
Within the increments of a measured stick

She found the measure of her heart

It ticked along

like a distant clock

with a clicking heartbeat

and a whispering of pines.

She didn’t know it then

but I

didst hear the measured beat

I felt it in the palm of my hand

as one might hold a pretty mouse

its whiskers twitching

pretend resilience

in mock immovability

Hah! And little did the mouse know

that the instinct to jump

arrives at the end of the measured stick.



I will keep on turning

in the band of

Michael’s wingspan

With my lover’s quarrels

all cinched up

in a silver chainmail satchel

To take with me through

the darkening veil

to look at, count, and ponder

May their fading echoes

haunt me saying

asking     prodding      taunting

Why I couldn’t

just be happier

more content

at ease.

I always had to

push for more

For better

equal       aware      more free

I always had to dream

of the mountain

and the jewels that lay within.

So I’ll guard my satchel

of painful arguments

and wasted years of

TV tubes

I’ll eat them up

like so much sand

to fill my dying stomach



at least.

I am happiest

with a pen in my hands

ink     paper    flowing life

May 16, 2018    Rome, Italy

I sit on a grassy hill

overlooking the Roman Forum

where chariots once raced

Beneath the crumbling facade

where Ceasar once stood –

It is May 16, 2018

Millenia have passed since that mighty age

Yet here I sit

and watch a pantomime of sorts

Young men, two in fact

With dogs that act as proxies

for their strutting egos.

One man sets his dog free

And the other rises to the challenge

The dogs refrain from tearing each other to pieces

Though the former clearly could

We all know it.

With his dog chained again,

the young man skirts around

then circles in on the old man walking.

He too has a dog for ego proxy

which barks like a maniac

bent on saving his life with his voice.

The young man challenges,

“What, you don’t want to let your dog free?

Are you afraid?”

The men argue

The old man’s dog barks

The young man’s dog is still and sure and terrifying.

For all his talk, the young man

keeps his dog on a short leash

He knows what it could do.

The old man finally walks away.

The young men go back to visiting.

On the periphery, the old man

has met an old friend, also with a dog.

They gesticulate angrily

about the impudence of young men

with dangerous dogs.

On the grassy hill,

I doze in the last rays of the day.

Later, there, the old men walk

around the far periphery of the forum

Under Ceasar’s eye

The young men pretend to not see them

The young men feel no need to fight.

The young men the centre

The old men the periphery

They are Romans, after all.


The Last Hairball

Like a frizzy frazzled

wrapped up angry

little monster

Stomping down the stairs

grumbling about

this person


that person

Like a little bullet

pushed in the chamber


And shot straight at me

Your anger like an

exploding wall of rage

covering my entire being

a thousand shot pellets

through me

cut + dive

The last hairball

shot straight

to my stoic voicebox

caught there

choking past it

I plead

for the pure little heart


that doesn’t want

to listen to your rage

or my silence


The last hairball

The period at the

end of our marriage.

The Zoo

What did they think of me

when I burned past their cages

depression for wages

left blank all their pages

What did they think of me

when I cried eyes at their sorrow

made a hole of their tomorrow

for all the pain I could borrow

Their worlds cast out shells

hollow horrible hells

. The game keeper never tells .

Oh, the multitude eyes

all wonderous surprise

while empathy dies

What did I think of me

and my quiet complicity

this park full of misery

extinction a wannabe

Cruelty is a weapon

we weild on our hearts

it tears us apart

humanity’s poison dart




It’s like a dash –

but with panache

style, grace, curves

a force for change


The end of everything

for me

I use it once

just sparingly

To preface my name

at the end of an email

the end of a note

or message to my students

~ Sarah

If everything was on fire

(everything is on fire)

the tild would be that

gentle quiet wave

that quenches it

Like a dash

but with love

with creativity

a gentle, smiling touch


Rarely used

the upper left hand corner

(with a shift)

Unknown by most.

It will probably

be taken off

future keyboards.


Not needed

Or was it needed?

We’ll never know

Because it was undiscovered.

This reality remains


Because noone knew

the tild

Except me

at the ends of my everythings

to preface my name

~ Sarah


A force for change….

I will shake it

up in here

And as the pieces fall

I will gently guide

them in their descent

to arrange themselves

in as beautiful a

pattern as I can manage.

I always shake it up

I can’t help it

I am built like the tild

My fire is destructive

it demands truth

will burn it all down 

just to reveal truth.

My wave at the ends

of my everythings

is gentle and brave

A loving touch

that welcomes change

because it’s always


like this

~ Sarah

the demon of zhiibahaasing



You make it look like

so much fun.

Your jingle dress is

inside out

I can’t hear anything

but your stupid laughter

one billion of my

8 billion strong family

slaves, laughing

stupid       sloppy     slutty

slaves to you.

Why do you even want

their slavery?

If you evaporate

and stay that way

If we forgot how to distil

your insidious joke

into our bottles of blame

Would that be so bad for you?

I fucking hate you

and your draw in my blood

Your claim on my soul

I exorcise you

Joy lives on the

other side of

your bottomless cup

I light a match

and this sage smoke

I blow in  your face

Away from me

Slayer of ages

Zombie maker

Death that’s dumber than dirt

You don’t get to dress this princess


Crowned in joy

I crush your skull beneath

my heal forever.


Masking perfection

she chose a different

state to be in

neither solid

nor liquid

nor gaseous

rather, her personage

was a glittering

electric field

of nothingness




You sit in my head

Like a lonely shadow

Never seen except

below me, behind me,

and only when I know

to throw light at myself

But there you sit

crouched in meanness

always ready, always


your petty criticisms

your subtle abuse

and your hatreds.